Buffalo Home Show (past)

Wonder Windows, Showers & Baths is excited to announce that we will be exhibiting at this year’s 2023 Buffalo Home Show in Buffalo, NY. If you’ve been thinking about replacing your home’s older windows, remodeling your bathroom, or upgrading to an innovative new shower or walk-in bath from KOHLER®, this is the perfect opportunity to see what’s new and talk to our team of experts.
The 2023 Buffalo Home Show is being held over the course of two weekends in early March. The show kicks off on Friday March 3rd until Sunday March 5th, and continues the following weekend from Friday March 10th until its conclusion on Sunday March 12th.
The Wonder Windows, Showers & Bath staff will be onsite to answer all of your questions, share helpful remodeling information, and showcase some of the industry’s newest and most popular replacement windows, doors, KOHLER® showers, bathtubs and walk-in baths.
For more information on attending the 2023 Buffalo Home Show, visit the link below or get in touch with the Wonder Windows, Showers & Baths staff today. Complete information is available on the show’s official website, or reach out to the Wonder Bathrooms staff via phone or email by visiting the contact page on our website.